2021 Reflections + 2022 Thoughts

In so many ways, 2021 was a great year. From finally making the job change to the many bike-related adventures to all the little things in between (Leafs games, summer BBQs, Alma + Mineral, starting Sundae Sundays, etc.), 2021 was filled with lots of new welcomed challenges and experiences that stretched me to learn more, be more mentally and physically resilient, and was just downright fun. 2021 was also filled with some unwelcomed - and let’s face it, unpleasant- challenges, most prominent of which was dad’s hospitalization and the shroud of uncertainty that it brought (and likely will continue to bring in the next few weeks).

It was a blur of a year and I definitely did not take enough time to stop, reflect and regroup on everything that took place. For a while now, I feel like I’ve felt pretty detached from my own deeper feelings - choosing to intentional neglect them, not having enough time to critically think about events, turning a blind eye to them or on the odd occasion suppressing thoughts when they do arise. As a result, it felt a little like I was drifting this year. Not in a bad direction. Not in a good direction. Just drifting. Perhaps it’s because I naturally gravitate towards spontaneity, perhaps it’s because I don’t tend to enjoy comforting my deeper emotions or perhaps it’s because I’m too busy and just don’t have enough emotional bandwidth to do some of this deeper thinking. Whatever the reason is, being more attuned - and frankly being more accountable - to the deeper emotions, urges, instincts and dreams is something that I want to actively work on this year. I think I need to (1) create more INTENTIONAL space each day/week/month to enable these deeper reflections and thoughts, and (2) be more INTENTIONAL about turning those thoughts/urges/dreams into actions and (3) document those thoughts.

I don’t think creating a long list of New Year’s Resolutions works for me - rather I going to set some broader actions that I want to be more INTENTIONAL about in this next (maybe throw in a few actual goals) for 2022:


  • Be more INTENTIONAL about planning fam jams/get-aways/stress-relief outlets for the family (not just myself)

  • Be more INTENTIONAL about managing friendships and continue to be the glue


  • Be more INTENTIONAL about creating a safe, inviting community through sports/cycling

  • Be more INTENTIONAL with training (i.e. following a plan ) and not letting work get in the way

  • Complete the Everest

  • Complete a 400km ride


  • Be more INTENTIONAL about seeking a mentor + building a network that can challenge me and I can challenge within the brand/growth/start-up environment

  • Be more INTENTIONAL about listening - learn to ask better follow-ups, understanding deeper before speaking and maximizing the ideas/potential of others. Be more curious.

  • Be more INTENTIONAL about setting boundaries between work and life. Rest is productive.


  • Be more INTENTIONAL about budgeting (set a budget and stick to it) and not spending impulsively…too often